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Breeding lions for their bones is brutal and horrific

We must put an end to this cruel and barbaric industry, and end the trade in endangered species. We are in an extinction crisis, and biodiversity loss is an enormous threat to us all.

3 years since #MelbourneCrush

What are we waiting for...Australia is complicit in the current poaching crisis whilst it allows the domestic trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn.

Endangered species are legally traded to extinction

Now that Sri Lanka is using eCITES electronic permitting, we call for all 183 signatory countries to implement immediately.

Breaking News

Stories from a variety of press and publications

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Annual Reports

Order of Australia

Lion cubs imported by private Australian zoo from South Africa’s canned hunting industry.

A private Australian zoo has imported lion cubs from a lion breeding facility that's been under fire by conservationists and animal activists for more than a decade.

African Tour May 2016

Global March Melbourne

Canned Hunting WARNING: Graphic Content

Not suitable for children. Viewer discretion required.

Local MP in Canned Hunting First

Local MP in Canned Hunting First to speak at Global March for Lions in Melbourne on Saturday, 2 April at City Square.

Blood Lions Australian Tour

Blood Lions Australian Tour

What our supporters have to say…

Supporters of For the Love of Wildlife are crucial in enabling us to continue vital work in protecting and conserving endangered species and their habitats. Their backing provides us with confidence…


We are the first country to ban the importation of lion trophies and body parts.

Radio Interviews

A collection of radio interviews.

Travel Advice – Visit or Volunteer

A guide to help you visit or volunteer at reputable conservation reserves.

Canned Hunting

The act of hunting a confined animal that has been raised in captivity and humanised.

The home of Campaign Against Canned Hunting

Years of tireless work for Chris Mercer and Bev Pervan in their fight to protect Africa's lions.

Ian Michler in Australia

Ian Michler in Australia to brief our Environment Minister, Greg Hunt and Jason Wood MP.